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Here are some picture of our pets :)=

Skuggi and me
(this is taken shortly after we got our cat and Skuggi was VERY jellious becouse the cat got to be one the sofa so he jumped ontop of me!)

Picture of Snu�ur shortly efter he came to us.
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
Here is a picture of skuggi checking snudur out!

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Here is Kisa_Kis.
She is a 21(5) year old wonderfull woman. She lives in Reykjav�k Iceland with me(Sgt)   and our pets Skuggi and Sn��ur(dog and cat). Our first born is on its wait and only 3 months left untill the big band accours :)=. If u want to see some Ultra sound pictures of our firstborn u can see them here.

More to come!